Sea kayak surf landing and launching

Sea kayak surf landing and launching

A short video of sea kayak surf landing and launching. The plan was to practice controlled landings and launching in surf with sea kayaks.

A problem is that it is hard to resist the temptation to start surfing sea kayaks ashore.

Great fun but make sure you keep good group control to reduce the risk of accidents.

We ended up with a holed sea kayak when one paddler -while sitting on the beach- was hit by another kayak. Though not afloat, and in just a few inches of water, the force of the waves was enough to hole the kayak.

Launching and landing in surf is a useful skill to practice in case you return to and find that the surf has built up.

It is surprising how often we think we must land at the same spot on a beach as we launched even if the surf has increased in size. Often this is because it is nearest to where we parked the car.

Sea kayak surf landing tips:

If the surf has increased in size since you launched scout the whole beach. Usually there will be spots where the surf is smaller. Land here and float the kayak back along the waters edge to your launching spot or where the car is parked.

Use low support strokes

Protect yourself from shoulder injuries by only using low support strokes.

Have fun, take care and wear a helmet.


Sea kayak landing and launching in Alderney from Jersey Kayak Adventures on Vimeo.